Friday, September 24, 2010

Roping 6

Tanner And Lexi

The Girls Warming Up To Rope
The Roping Arena
                       Today's winners are Lexie with 6 and Tanner with 6 points also.  They both had a rope off. Lexie and Kourtney had to rope off. Kourtney got 5 points and Lexie got 6 points.Tanner had to rope-off with Spencer and Parker .Parker got 5 points, Spencer with 3 points, and Tanner got six points. Those are the winners for this week.

Corby The Scorekeeper

Friday, September 17, 2010

Roping 5

Our Winners  Kilee and Jared
Fariba throwing some loops in the rope off for the girls
Arik And Andrew Finished Second Place

September 17, 2010

Today the roping winners are; Kilee and Jared.  They each earned a horseshoe cowboy.  Second place winners are; Kortney, Fariba, Lexi and Shayler.  For the boys second place winners were Aric and Andrew.  All the second place winners got ropes except for Shayler and Lexi.  They have already earned their new ropes in other tournaments.Fariba, Kortney and Asley had to have a rope off.  Fariba and Kortney tied in the rope off and then they threw two more loops each and Fariba won.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Roping Four

September 10, 2010,
Today's roping tournament was fabulous!
We roped the bulls head.
Our winners were Calista with 4 points and Corby with 6 points. Corby had to rope off  with Spencer and Jared. Spencer got three so he was out Jared and Corby got 6.So they had to rope off. Corby got 6 and Jared got 5.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Roping Three

            Today's Roping Tournament
Our winners are Hannah with 18 loops and Tanner with 33 loops.
Our winners
Our second place winners
Our second place winners are  Logan with 25 loops, Lexie and Kylie with 13 loops, Anthony with 12 loops, and Savanna with 16  loops. Now Hannah and  Tanner won their second roping tournament, so now they have to take two weeks off .


Our special ropin crew
Some of the ropin crew